Our services

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What we do

A summary of services provided by settlement support include, but not limited to the below areas
Immigrant advocacy  services

Immigrant advocacy

Support disadvantage immigrants and their families to overcome emotional and psychological challenges they may experience following their arrival.

Settlement and integration services

Settlement and integration services

Support settlement by providing practical help in areas of form filling, pointers to council services and other areas required for accessing relevant services. 

Collaboration with local council services

Collaboration with local council services

Provide information and signpost to council services, support agencies and professionals to understand services available to them.

Break barriers to  employment

Break barriers to

Provide information, webinars and forum to support BAME and other disadvantaged migrants seeking employment.

Raise awareness to government agenda

Raise awareness to government agenda

We raise awareness to services, initiatives and other government agenda affecting BAME individuals
Encourage take up of STEM by girls

Encourage take up of STEM by girls

Historically uptake of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics have been deemed for boys. We seek to encourage take up of STEM.

Our Vision

What we seek to achieve
Our vision is to create and maintain peaceful settlement and integration for African and other migrants into British society.

Our supporters


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24 Ivens Grove, Coventry, CV2 2QH
Email:  admin@settlementsupport.org.uk | Tel: 07597126031
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