Support us financially

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Your financial support will go a long way to support the various activities and initiatives here at Settlement Support CIC. You can give in the ways below



Give securely through Paypal
Giving to us through Paypal is secure and fast. We don't see any of your financial information, but we receive your generous contribution. You don't have to have an account to give, you can use your card details on the Paypal website.
  • Regular amounts
  • One off donation
  • Pre-set giving
  • You decide

Via Crowdfunder UK

You can also give through crowdfunder
Crowdfunder is a popular platform in the UK for secure giving. You can give to our work through crowdfunder platform.

Thank you

Your giving will go a long way
We want to say a big thank you to our numerous supporters and sponsors. Through your giving and support we can help many people settle peacfully and successfully for a better UK.

Our supporters


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24 Ivens Grove, Coventry, CV2 2QH
Email: | Tel: 07597126031
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